Monday 30 December 2013

The Jelly Beans (Children's Church Group)

Ages 4-10 at St. Nicholas Anglican Church, Leading Tickles.

The “Jelly Beans” gets it name from the Jelly Bean Poem about Jesus.
       “Red is for the blood He gave, green is for the grass He made. Black is for the sins we made, white is for the grace He gave.
        Purple is for the hour of sorrow, pink is for our new tomorrow. Orange is for the edge of night, yellow is for the sun so bright.
        A handful of jelly beans, simple, colourful and sweet, reminds us of the reasons he makes our life complete.”

As the “Jelly Beans” we meet every second Wednesday and learn a new Bible story, by reading, acting and crafting ideas related to the story. By getting the children involved in the story, it helps them to learn it a whole lot better. For example, when a old man named Noah showed up one night and each child acted as an animal, as they acted out Noah’s Ark. And also the night the kids marched around the church pretending it was the walls of Jericho. This is the kind of program the children need to help them learn and understand the Bible at such a young age.

As the leader of this group, I want the children to learn that God loves them very much, and that God makes us promises that he keeps. Each story they learn shows them how God kept his promise to someone who believed in Him. And that God is with them through all trials and tribulations. I want the children to know that Gods greatest promise to them is that, “If they believe in Him and be faithful to Him, then he promises them eternal life with Him in such a wonderful land”.
The Jelly Beans only started on October 30, 2013 and already we have had a wonderful time together learning about God, through His son, Jesus. I love how the kids love to talk to me about their understanding of the Bible Stories and the way they feel about certain topics. It has truly been a blessing to me to bring my love for children and creativity together and form the Jelly Bean Group. I hope its something I can see continued for a very long time.
Jelly Bean Leader

Trudy Chippett

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Parish of Botwood

Mission Statement:
As the parish family of Botwood, to the glory of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will know Christ more fully through His Word and Sacraments, deepening our relationship with Him as we reach out to others by our words and actions, encouraging people to live out God’s will in response to His love.
Parish Family: Our family consists of all those who call themselves Anglicans within the four church congregations that make up our parish. Some are active within the family; others are not; some may not even be sure whether they belong or not. The job of our clergy and lay people is to reach out to all members, encouraging them by all means possible to learn more of God the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.
Our ACW, and BAC and Group Reunions provide ways for our members to interact with each other as we enjoy fun and fellowship.
Our Vestries and Parish Council provide ways for our members to learn more of the workings of our congregations and parish. New members should be encouraged to be a part of these groups as the needs arise.
To know Christ more fully: We will never know it all. We are never too old to learn more of God’s grace and mercy. In order for us to be effective messengers of God’s word, we must continually study His Word to better prepare ourselves for this task. This may be accomplished through personal and corporate prayer and Bible Study, the Cursillo method, the Alpha program, the healing ministry and other acceptable methods available within the Anglican Church. As active members of the parish family we should attend regularly, and participate fully in corporate worship and Holy Eucharist. This activity will help us deepen our relationship with Him.
Outreach: Our church has many areas through which we may reach out to others. At home, we have our parish family which has helped persons in need from time to time. Our ACW is always there at funerals to provide a lunch for bereaved families. We contribute to the Good will Centre, to Primate’s Fund and other worthy causes.

Summary: No matter what involvement we have within our parish family, our goal must be to deepen our own relationship with God, reach out to others by word and deed, live out God’s will for out lives in response to His love for us, and encourage others to do the same.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Bible Study: 

Our Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.   Please feel free to join us.


For announcements in the bulletin , please call Wally or Maria @ 257-3281 or e-mail

Goodwill Centre:

Please don't forget to bring your items for the Goodwill Centre and place them in the container at the back of the church. Any donation is greatly appreciated.

* Prepare the way of the Lord , make his paths straight. All flesh shall see the salvation of God*
Luke 3. 4,6